Pittock Block Project:

Phase 1 Updates from MacDonald-Miller

In November 2023, MacDonald-Miller crews kicked off Phase 1 of the Pittock Block Project, a significant initiative set in the heart of downtown Portland, Oregon. This historic building, constructed in 1913, offers unique challenges and opportunities, perfect for our team of craftsmen.

Historical Building

The Pittock Block is notable not only for its age but also for its adaptive potential, with an entire floor being converted into a data center. Between our union team members’ detailed plans and installation, Pittock Block is advancing to the forefront of modern connectivity through the crews’ persistence and determination.

Project Highlights

MacDonald-Miller has been selected to build and install a comprehensive chilled water system designed to feed 16 computer room air handlers and three 36-ton rooftop chillers. This upgrade will also include a custom-fabricated lightwell rack to support the building’s critical systems. In addition to these features, the upgraded infrastructure will host a generator and cooling system capable of providing up to 7 MW of power during an outage, ensuring reliability and safety for all occupants.


The scope of the Pittock Block Project includes the addition of essential mechanical infrastructure, which will enhance the building’s functionality. Key installations include:

  • A chilled water system
  • Generator fuel oil system
  • Generator exhaust system
  • Generator glycol heat rejection system

Estimated to be completed in April 2025, this project will continue to present opportunities for the MacMiller team to shine in what we do best—getting the job done right!

Learn more about our special projects here.

Categories: General

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