Partnership in Support of STEM:
This fall, West Sound STEM Network acknowledged the efforts of MacDonald-Miller at their Career Connect Washington Summit. Our organization was proud to be recognized for outstanding partnership and contributions to developing career pathways for youth and young adults in the region.
As a leader in partnering with educators, we provide these professionals with valuable learning opportunities. These initiatives include externships and site visits, as well as co-developing pathways for high-demand sectors such as controls technology.
MacMiller is an industry member of West Sound STEM and a driving force in developing the controls programmer and associate controls specialist apprenticeships. We deliver outstanding guidance on the Senior Leadership Team, while the Implementation Team regularly supports education and industry within the West Sound STEM Network region. One innovative program we’re deeply entrenched in is STEM Cafés for teachers. With a focus on engineering design, STEM Cafés are real-world training opportunities for teachers to increase their own STEM knowledge, connect with industry, and engage in activities they can apply to their classroom. MacMiller has also hosted teacher externships and worksite learning tours for students.
“A big thank you to MacDonald-Miller for providing these deep and meaningful connections for educators and students – this is critical if we are to support developing the workforce of today and tomorrow,” says Dr. Kareen Borders, Executive Director, West Sound STEM.
More project highlights from our Perspective Newsletter.