Seattle Convention Center Addition

Project update from Ryan Hunter, Project Manager:

The Convention Center, the largest single building in MacDonald-Miller history, reached an important milestone, the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) on January 9, 2023. After several years of preconstruction work, MacMiller began onsite work at the convention center in September of 2019, setting the first 4 of 35 air handling units. After more than 3 years of construction, we are turning the building over for the first convention this week.

The project has been challenging from the start. With 1.5 million square feet of single rooms spanning multiple city blocks, the construction sequence and logistics of this project are like nothing else in the country. Adding the hurdles of the pandemic hitting during our peak crew size, concrete strike, and challenging labor and procurement markets, the level of difficulty only increased. These challenges were met head-on by the project team, and we executed them with distinction.

MacMiller Teamwork

Words cannot do justice to what the MacMiller team was able to accomplish on this project, but it’s worth a try.

Our detailing department paved the way for success, creating thousands of deliverables. Due to the size of the floor plate each level had to be broken into 15 separate drawings. We had around 250 separate install drawings per trade.

Our sheet metal shop and field, fabricated, delivered, and installed more than 1.6 million pounds of ductwork.

Our pipe fitting team installed, tested, and flushed, more than 15 miles of hydronic piping, and 100 miles of PEX for radiant floors.

Our controls team engineered and installed controls for all of it.

All of this was supported by the incredible folks behind the scenes in accounting, IT, purchasing, estimating, etc.

Safety Excellence

We worked 797,505 hours, with a Recordable Incident Rate of 0.5. To put this into perspective, the national average Recordable Incident Rate in our industry is 3.9.

Congratulations to all the MacMillians who built this iconic Seattle landmark.

It’s a proud day to be part of MacDonald-Miller!

Categories: General

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