MacDonald-Miller & Turner: School of Construction Management

Aligned with a common commitment to expand our community’s social, economic, and educational growth, MacDonald-Miller recently partnered with Turner Construction to deliver their 2024 Seattle Turner School of Construction Management (TCSM) program to 11 underrepresented business enterprises (UBE’s) from Washington State.

Established in 1969, the TSCM program provides small and diverse business enterprises with the opportunity to form long-term relationships, create networks, and position their company for success. TSCM is offered annually in more than thirty Turner offices nationwide as part of Turner’s commitment to economic development and building intentional relationships to grow underrepresented businesses.

TSC is a six-week, eleven-course program that provides education in procurement, estimating, operations, contracts, finance, marketing, and a range of other construction industry areas that benefit a company’s quality and growth. MacMiller volunteers teamed up with their Turner peers to co-instruct sessions held twice a week for two hours from April 9th to May 14th at our SeaTac office.

The overall program was an immense success from all perspectives, participants, instructors, and the valued partnership between Turner and MacMiller.

“Being an instructor for the TSCM program was an absolute honor!” said Tessa Tippet, HR Manager and one of the volunteer instructors. “It was wonderful to connect and collaborate with our Turner industry partners. The energy and enthusiasm of the program instructors was contagious, and the participants were incredibly thankful and gracious, making the experience even more rewarding. I can’t wait to see the amazing things these entrepreneurs will accomplish in the future!”

At MacDonald-Miller, we are committed to our UBE trade partners’ continued development, utilization, and overall growth, including minority, veterans, and disadvantaged LGBTQ+-owned business enterprises. Partnering with Turner in the delivery of the TSCM program reflects that commitment.

This partnership evolved through the collaborative efforts between Tamaka Thornton, community & citizenship director of Turner Construction, and MacDonald-Miller’s Maria Boyer. A special thank you to our MacMiller employees who supported the program: Lee Pyfrom, Mahalin Gross, Caleb Bradford, Tessa Tippett, Tristan Rynning, Amanda Spraker, Lisa Millage, Sam Drake, and Catherine Acevedo!

Learn more about our inclusion efforts here.


Categories: General

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