Net Zero Hero

“In the last 5 years, efforts to make buildings more sustainable have gone from nice-to-have to a “must-have” in the marketplace. Whether it is a new building or a retrofit of an existing building, or even a campus, the effort toward a lower carbon footprint is “afoot”!
At MacDonald-Miller we are committed to being the “Net Zero Hero” for our customers. Some of the most interesting efforts we’ve been involved with include Starbucks Center, Central Energy District Design for First Hill, Geo-well Fields, and Energy Services Contracts to improve and upgrade existing building systems for Northshore School District, City of Bellevue, and WSU. We’re just getting started! In the years to come, our ability to design mechanical and building control systems, calculate the carbon footprint, and install the improvement measures and guarantee the outcome, makes MacMiller the go-to resource in this new world of sustainability.
This year we are finishing strong on two of the largest projects we have ever tackled. And, we have more signature jobs getting underway – Swedish Hospital North Tower, Cloudview Towers Bellevue, West 8th Bellevue, Snoqualmie Casino Expansion, Lewis & Clark College Portland, and we’re surfing a wave of biotech work.
As 2022 gets underway I know there’s still a lot to worry about – more than I want to list. Let’s focus on what we can control – executing with distinction, keeping our promises to our customers and our team members, and making MacMiller a great place to work.
Enjoy the Spring and hats off to all the MacMillian Heroes that make buildings work better every day!”
-Gus Simonds, CEO
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