Leadership team update:

We are excited to share a significant transition in our leadership team! Stephanie Gebhardt, our CFO for the past 25 years, is moving back to her home state of Montana this year. Stephanie’s impact extends far beyond the numbers; her commitment to the people of MacMiller is what we will all remember from her legacy!

Welcome, Christian Geismann!

While Stephanie continues to be an active board member at MacMiller, we are excited to announce Christian Geismann will fill the new CFO seat. The decision to bring Christian on board was easy, as he’s been a part of our industry as a CFO for many years and has experience as a former auditor for Moss Adams, a firm we’ve engaged for decades. Christian’s expertise and knowledge make him a great fit for our team.

Join us in thanking Stephanie for her incredible contributions and extend a warm MacMiller welcome to Christian! Here’s to new beginnings and continued success!

Categories: General

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