Whatcom Village
Redmond, WA / 988,500 SF
The Whatcom Village Project comprises four buildings, including two floors of assorted kitchen spaces and other amenities, within a larger east campus modernization project. MacDonald-Miller was contracted to do the HVAC, Plumbing, and Controls for each building. Within these buildings are 1,434 terminal units throughout the office space and 34 hoods filling up the kitchen spaces. They are largely supported by a dedicated outside air system (DOAS) that utilizes sensible cooling units to provide energy-efficient cooling/heating to the offices.
These buildings include a full-sized locker room for staff and were designed with a rainwater collection system, recycling rainwater to be used within the waste treatment system to reduce water consumption within the buildings.
Through detailing efforts, MacDonald-Miller’s shop produced 11,094 fabricated assemblies for the field. In total, 663,723 lbs. of ductwork were fabricated for all four buildings.
Whatcom Village is on track to meet LEED Platinum, ILFI Zero Carbon and Salmon Safe certifications.
ENR Northwest 2024 Best Projects – Best Sustainability: Whatcom Village.